Here's my card.
I've been wanting to use a Daisy for a while now. I've posted a lot about my dog Callie who passed away in January and of course Dusty who had her Leap Day birthday party in February. But, I do have another dog who is 13. She has never been an alpha girl and she's always stayed in the background and followed Callie's lead. Her main goal in life is to please me and do what she's supposed to do. How awesome is that? She has the best nature and is so easy going.
I was surprised at how "lost" she seemed without Callie - she wouldn't even "go out" at night without me for a few days. But, she has now made the adjustment and is spending a lot more time with me and she's figured out that being on the couch is awesome and I can now officially call her a "couch potato" - which she never was before. She has a heart murmur and I don't know how long she'll be with me, but while she's here I plan to spoil her (more) rotten. I've even included a little video of her after she licked up a big glob of ketchup - she loves ketchup. I'm not into videos, but I love it when she does this - I even added music. So this post is for you Daisy!