Monday, September 2, 2013

A Published Card

Since I didn't get anything finished over the long weekend due to non-stop running around taking care of new house things, I thought I would share with you a card I made that was published in the January issue of CARDS Magazine. I really liked these papers together. Everything came from my Studio Calico card kits except the YoYos from Basic Gray and the sentiment is a Lawn Fawn stamp.


  1. Congrats Donna, I love all the texture in this card x

  2. congrats (even if from january!) its a great card!
    -Rachel w k

  3. CUTE! Congratulations on being published!

  4. Congratulations!!! I love the bright color palette and that plan bg paper! No wonder it was picked up :D

  5. Congrats on getting a card published, Donna! You have so many balls in the air, I gotta hand it to ya. Building a house, working full time, traveling abroad, getting published...lots going on!

    I am SO happy you stopped by my blog recently. I miss you! You are such a sweetheart. Wishing you well with that house. I have seen bits and pieces on FB and your house blog. So exciting!

  6. حيث تعتمد المؤسسة علي افضل وأجود المواد القاتلة للحشرات المنتجة بالخارج بالكامل وخالصة التصاريح من وزارتي الصحة والبيئة والتي استقر كلياً أنها لا تؤثر علي صحة الأنسان او الحيوان بأي شكل من الأنواع وهي صديقة للبيئة، إضافة إلى هذا أن كل تلك المبيدات لها نفوذ فعال وكبير في القضاء علي الحشرات باختلاف جميع أشكالها، فإذا كنت ترغب في أن تقوم بالتخلص نهائياً من الحشرات .
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالمزاحمية
    شركة رش مبيدات بالمزاحمية
    اسماء المبيدات الحشرية المنزلية
    افضل شركة رش مبيدات


I appreciate your comments.